Looking for a one good person, i.e. #MAET is hiring

by | Monday, September 27, 2010

I’m excited to announce that the MAET program is hiring a new team member. The official posting is below (or you can go here). The posting closes on September 30 – email all of the application materials to edutech@msu.edu


Posting Date: Sept. 17, 2010
Posting Number: CED-23

Fixed-Term, 12-month basis, 100% time.

DUTIES: The MSU College of Education offers the Educational Technology Certificate, a 3-course 9-credit program, designed for educators who seek to understand the essential qualities of knowledge required of technology integration in to teaching. The emphasis is on enabling teachers to change their practice of teaching in positive ways. To do so, teachers learn new instructional and pedagogical strategies and learn ways that technology can enhance and support the learning process. The Educational Technology Certificate program is an accelerated graduate program that focuses on teaching teachers how to use and teach with today’s technologies. To meet the needs of teachers, the program is offered in a variety of formats; online, hybrid and overseas. Basic Function: Coordination and instruction in Educational Technology Certificate Program and participate in outreach projects. Approximately 50% of work time spent outside of the office. Responsible for coordinating, community building, strategizing and advocating for the Educational Technology Certificate program. Major Responsibilities: School recruitment (meet with school administrators to host the program locally in their district); teacher recruitment; provide inservice programming to K-12 teachers; teach in Educational Technology Certificate program; create and maintain contact database; provide oversight of instruction and feedback to instructors; send out quarterly newsletter; conduct focus groups.

QUALIFICATIONS: Masters in Educ, Ed Tech, Digital Media, New Media, Dig Writ or reltd. Qualifications other than degree: Experience teaching in a K-12 environment; High level of interpersonal, verbal, visual and written communication skills; Experience with a wide range of computer software, hardware and social media tools; Must be familiar with the following technologies: WordPress and other open source content management systems; ANGEL, Moodle, Blackboard and other learning management systems; Google Apps and other cloud based software; Online communication tools (Skype, Adobe Connect, etc.); Web 2.0 applications; Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In, etc.); Mobile Applications (iPhone, Android, iPad, etc.); Willingness to travel; Working knowledge of a University environment, including policies and procedures.

APPLICATIONS: Due October 1, 2010. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities. Interested candidates should send a letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to edutech@msu.edu.

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1 Comment

  1. Mary Brown

    It’s a great job! but i cannot meet the criteria. 🙁


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