Finding the answers to What, When, & Where

Finding the answers to What, When, & Where

Three important questions that we often seek answers for are: WHAT is it?WHEN should we do it?WHERE should it happen? Turns out these questions can be answered just by replacing just one letter—namely replace “W” with “T.” Here they are:...
Design book-review podcasts

Design book-review podcasts

I am teaching a new masters/doctoral seminar titled Design in the real world. This is the first class I am teaching here after coming to ASU and it is exciting to back in with students engaged in discussions about design, technology, and its role in our...
TPACK newsletter #34, October 2017

TPACK newsletter #34, October 2017

The latest version of the TPACK newsletter (#34) is now available and can be  found here (pdf). All previous issues are archived here. As always, thanks to Judi Harris for all the work that goes into this.
Cognitive psychology of science: Old article

Cognitive psychology of science: Old article

Science ambigram with 180-degree rotational symmetry This chapter, published back in 1998, focused on the cognitive science of science. I realized today that I had not uploaded this article onto my website. So, better late than never, here it is. But before jumping...
EduSummIT 2017: An update

EduSummIT 2017: An update

I just returned from participating in EDUsummIT 2017, the fifth International Summit on Information Technology in Education. EDUsummIT is a global knowledge building community of researchers, educational practitioners, and policy makers committed to...