4 AM: A poem

4 AM: A poem

4 AMJuly 17, 2019 The stupid smoke detectorsBeep IncessantlyThere are two of themRunning this conversationWith each otherThrough the night Their batteries dyingOr dead Funnily enoughThey fall silent during The dayLull you into thinking It is okIt was just a glitch But...
A visit to Israel

A visit to Israel

I just got back from a trip to Israel. I was invited by the MEITAL 2019 conference and the Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts. MEITAL is an organization of higher education institutions in Israel focusing on understanding and responding to local...
Meta Poetry: I and II

Meta Poetry: I and II

This sentence refers to itself. This sentence declares that this blog post is about 2 poems I wrote recently. Both these poems are self-referential to some degree, namely both poems are about poetry. I have been interested in self-reference for along time—and this...
Algorithms, Imagination & Creativity

Algorithms, Imagination & Creativity

Is music a craftOr is it an art?Does it come from mere trainingor spring form the heart?Did the études of Chopinreveal his soul’s mood?Or was Frédéric ChopinJust some slick “pattern dude”?~ Douglas Hofstadter Ed Finn is the founding director of the...
Creativity in Teaching & Learning @ Mizzou

Creativity in Teaching & Learning @ Mizzou

I was recently invited to conduct a workshop for the Celebration of Teaching Conference at the University of Missouri around Creativity in Teaching and Learning. This was my first time at Columbia, MO and the conference organizers were wonderful. I did two versions of...