Arts, wellness & creativity: New article

Arts, wellness & creativity: New article

Dr. Paula Thomson and Dr. Vicki Jaque are professors at California State University, Northridge, where they co-direct the exercise and psychophysiology laboratory. They each have their own individual research interests but together they work on researching connections...
Defense against the dark arts in the Sydney Morning Herald

Defense against the dark arts in the Sydney Morning Herald

I was in Sydney recently to present a keynote at the MITE conference. I spoke there about some issues that have been concerning me for a while—what I like to call the “dark arts” of digital technologies. After the conference I had a wide-ranging interview...
Educators as Designers

Educators as Designers

How might we? Three words, and a question mark. At one level it is a simple question—leaving open what it is that we might do. But at another level its openness is its strength. Because inherent within it is a call to action, a discomfort with the way things are, and...
Posthumanizing creativity

Posthumanizing creativity

Dr. Kerry Chappell is a professor at the University of Exeter’s Graduate School of Education. She merges her training in dance, her doctorate in experimental psychology and interest in education to develop a transdisciplinary research program on better understanding...
OofSI: The year that was

OofSI: The year that was

Every December the Office of Scholarship & Innovation (OofSI) team looks back at the year that was, to document and reflect on all that we have done, as well as to plan for the future. This information is then put together in a report that captures our successes...