Sep 18, 2010
Greg Casperson is a graduate student in our Ed Psy & Ed Tech program. He has been engaged, over the past few months, in the most interesting experiment. He carefully selects and posts to his website one poem every day! Greg’s RSS feed has become one of the...
Jul 11, 2010
My daughter on her blog has a new poem / haiku called Sweat, a haiku with one glich. She is in India right now where the temperatures are easily in the 90’s – which I guess explains the genesis of the poem. What was more interesting, to me however, was the...
Apr 25, 2010
I recently read the following poem by Grace Paley and just had to write a response. Anyway, here’s the original poem: The Poet’s Occasional Alternative by Grace Paley I was going to write a poem I made a pie instead it took about the same amount of...
Jan 27, 2010
Image credit: eoliene_pe_campii Mathematical Beauty: A limerick Punya Mishra, Jan 27, 2010 Doesn’t it just gladden your heart to see These games we can play with infinity? How can one stay aloof From the elegance of a proof And remain immune to mathematics’ subtle...
Jan 22, 2010
I recently received an email from a teacher in Poland, seeking advice for a curriculum outline for their Design Technology Section. They said, and I quote: Unfortunately, I have minimal experience with the subject as a teacher or as a student in my younger years,...