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Clerihews II

I also wrote some clerihews for my colleagues in the Learning Technology & Culture program. Here they are—with apologies to one and all ;-)
Jack Smith the third
Thought it absurd
That he had created such a storm
With his ideas of math reform
Matt Koehler
Wanted to be a sailor
But now spends his time making faces
While discussing video cases.
Dick Prawat,
Said I have an idea about that
And gloated and grinned and yelled Whee!!
Did you know, Charles Pierce stole his ideas from John Dewey
Ralph Putnam
Bit daintily into a plum
Singing to himself, hey
It's so cool to be coordinating meetings for AERA
Pat Dickson
Had a strange idea of fun
He spent his time fixing us a bite
And uploading his recipes on to his web site.
Patrick Dickson
Announced one day in his office in Erickson
I see a vision, a new way, I see the world turning
Come share with me the joys of online learning.
Dr. Rand J. Spiro
Was regarded as being a hero
For hitting Control-Alt-Escape
While crisscrossing the ill-structured landscape
Kelly Mix
For her research, studied kids younger than six!
Hmm, she thought joyfully, maybe I can sidestep IRB
By just having my own baby!
Nell Duke
Took it to be a rebuke
When told her research was too messy
What do you expect, she said, I work in early literacy!
Jere Brophy
Brought home a trophy
They gave it to me as an invitation
To write yet another book on motivation
David E. Wong
Hummed a song
As he got his fix
Thinking of Dewey and Aesthetics
Dr. Wallace, Raven
Searched for a safe haven
To write her papers on the mythology
Of what teachers need to know of technology
Dean Carole Ames
Went for all MSU games
Where she would have the fits
Thinking about college budgetary deficits!
Jon Star
Just loved his car
His bigger passion were the tricks
That students performed in mathematics
Yong Zhao
During a pow-wow
Said don't you think it is funny
How they just keep sending me all this grant money
Dr. Punya Mishra
Loved to blah blah blah
But he stopped dead, when he got the news
There'd be no tenure for publishing clerihews.
© punya mishra

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