Since we first introduced the TPACK model in 2006, the role of context has been a subject of ongoing discussion and evolution. The journey began with a grey smudge in 2008, in the first TPACK (actually then called TPCK) Hanbook. This evolved into the now canonical image with the dotted line representing context. For those interested this story is documented in a video I had made a few years ago – titled “Why Theory?”
The conversation didn’t stop there, however. And in fact, back in 2018/19 I proposed adding Contextual Knowledge (XK) to the model. And if you think that was the last word… hah! You clearly don’t know researchers and academics. So not surprisingly other researchers brought forth their own interpretations (as they should), leading to a period of, what one can call, productive complexity in TPACK theorizing.
Early in 2023, Dominik Petko reached out to Matt and me proposing a special issue of the journal Computers in Education Open devoted to this topic. The call went out in July of 2023, and over the past year and a half we have been reviewing and publishing the articles as they were ready for publication.
Today I got an email saying the the last of the pieces has finally been published: an article by Dominik, Matt and me where we synthesize across the literature to offer a new improved model of TPACK that incorporates both contextual knowledge (XK) and contexts. Hopefully the last word in this discussion – though I would not hold my breath. Here it is:

Along with this article, the special issue, Placing TPACK in context: Looking at the big picture, examines the dynamic relationship between TPACK and contextual factors across various educational settings. The contributions range from exploring TPACK in international contexts (with fascinating insights from Africa, India, and China) to investigating its relationship with institutional factors and its development in immediate educational environments. Particularly notable are the findings about how in-service teachers demonstrate broader contextual perspectives compared to pre-service teachers, the crucial role of collaborative contexts in TPACK development, and the need for more nuanced approaches to TPACK-based professional development.
Before jumping into the special issue, I do need to express my thanks to a few people, Sarah Howard, associate editor of the journal, for her support through the process. In fact, she was the one who suggested that the new model deserved an article of its own. Thanks also to all the authors and reviewers who contributed to this special issue. Matt and I go back a long way and it was fun, to work together again. Finally, a huge shout-out to Dominik Petko, whose leadership was instrumental in bringing this collection together. I can say this without hesitation that without Dominik’s initiative and dedication, this special issue would never have seen the light of day.
Onto the articles in the special issue. I provide a direct link just the piece introducing the new model – though you can access all of them by going to Placing TPACK in context: Looking at the big picture.
The articles:
- Petko, D., Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2024). Placing TPACK in context: Looking at the big picture.
- Petko, D., Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2025). TPACK in context: An updated model.
- Brianza, E., Schmid, M., Tondeur, J., & Petko, D. (2024). Is contextual knowledge a key component of expertise for teaching with technology? A systematic literature review.
- Charania, A., Cross, S., Wolfenden, F., Sen, S., & Adinolfi, L. (2024). Exploring teacher characteristics and participation in TPACK-related online teacher professional development in Assam, India.
- Fabian, A., Backfisch, I., Kirchner, K., & Lachner, A. (2024). A systematic review and meta-analysis on TPACK-based interventions from a perspective of knowledge integration.
- Heath, M. K., & Moore, S. (2024). Locating TPACK XK between theory and practice: Reflective practice, applied ethics, and technoskeptical dispositions.
- Kosiol, T., & Ufer, S. (2024). Teachers’ self-reported and actual content-related TPACK – new results on their relation and gender differences.
- McDougall, T., & Phillips, M. (2024). Contextual considerations in TPACK: Collaborative processes in initial teacher education.
- Nguyen, H., Mouw, J. M., Mali, A., Strijbos, J. W., & Korpershoek, H. (2024). Developing a Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) survey for university teachers. Computers and Education Open.
- Shambare, B., & Simuja, C. (2024). Unveiling the TPACK pathways: Technology integration and pedagogical evolution in rural South African schools.
- Tschönhens, F., Backfisch, I., Fütterer, T., & Lachner, A. (2024). TPACK in action: Contextual effects of pre-service and in-service teachers’ knowledge structures for technology integration.
- Yang, T., & Dong, C. (2024). What influences teachers’ implementation of ICT in early childhood education? A qualitative exploration based on an ecological-TPACK framework.