Call for Papers (Special Issue) on GenAI, Games & Learning

by | Saturday, January 25, 2025

I’m excited to announce a special issue of Education Sciences that I’m co-editing with Dr. Ashish Amresh, Lindsey McCaleb and Nicole Oster, focusing on the intersection of generative AI and game-based learning in learning.

As generative AI reshapes education and game-based learning continues to prove its value for engagement and personalization, we’re interested in exploring how these domains can work together to create more equitable and effective learning experiences.

We’re particularly interested in submissions that tackle questions like:

  • How ready is generative AI to transform game-based learning?
  • What ethical considerations arise when combining AI with educational games?
  • How can this integration enhance accessibility and equity?
  • What technical challenges emerge in designing AI-powered educational games?
  • What’s the educator’s role in these AI-enhanced learning environments?

We welcome various types of submissions – from empirical studies to theoretical frameworks to critical analyses. Our goal is to better understand how AI and games can work together to create more engaging and equitable educational experiences.

The submission deadline is July 31, 2025. Details and submission guidelines can be found here.

As always feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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