TPACK newsletter #37, June 2018

by | Thursday, June 28, 2018

The latest version of the TPACK newsletter (TPACKNewsletterIssue37) is now available and can be  found here (pdf). All previous issues are archived here. This issue is 60 pages long!!! The amount of work being done in this area never ceases to astound me.

As always, thanks to Judi Harris and her team for all the work that goes into this.

Note: Figure ground TPACK design by punyamishra

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Chiayi, Chung Cheng & on to Kuosheng

I had been looking forward to the high speed rail journey though I had some concerns about navigating through the train station since most of the signs were in Chinese and Waiway (the graduate student who had come to pick me up from the airport) could not come with me...

Paradoxes, illusions & visual wordplay

Paradoxes, illusions & visual wordplay

Figure 1: Eye-llusion Over the past few months I have been somewhat obsessed with visual illusions,  ambiguous images, impossible figures and other such fun stuff. This led to the design of a brand new optical illusion, combining an ambiguous image with an...

Creativity in mathematics and beyond

Creativity in mathematics and beyond

Our series of articles related to the broad topic of Rethinking technology and creativity for the 21st century in the journal TechTrends continues with a new article on creativity in mathematics. This article focuses on the 4 winners of the 2014...

The Innocent

I first read Ian McEwan many years ago (in the 80's I think) when he wrote grim and macabre novels and short stories, full of strange dark humor. I found him somewhat interesting but not enough to seek out his books. And then, years later, this past fall I read...

What is the value of a theoretical framework?

One question that all doctoral students dread (and rightfully so) is "What is your theoretical framework?" Why, they wonder (silently), why do we need a framework? This question popped up recently in, of all places, Facebook. Pilar Quezzaire, a graduate of our MAET...

The beauty of the web: Shape of the earth

While searching for information for my previous posting on using eclipses to see, I came across an interesting paper that provided yet another way of figuring out the shape of the Earth. Lynch, D.K. (2005). Turbulent ship wakes: further evidence that the Earth is...

Seeing in the dark

All of us have walked through a sun-dappled forest. However, few of us have noticed that underneath are feet are thousands of little perfect circles. This is often difficult to see because these little perfect circles often overlap into irregular globs of sunlight....

Education in India & the role of the Azim Premji Foundation

Just before the Thanksgiving break, the College of Education and Michigan State University had the opportunity to host Dilleep Ranjekar and Anurag Behar, Co-CEO's of the Azim Premji Foundation.  The Azim Premji Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with a vision...

What can design do for you?

TPACK involves understanding the capabilities of technology - understanding how we make meaning with it, how we can manipulate it to communicate, engage and teach. I include below an extraordinarily powerful use of media, created with the simplest of tools, one...


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