Developing a culture of creativity: Research news

by | Monday, May 21, 2018

Danah Henriksen and I were featured in a recent news story on the MLFTC News titled: Developing a culture of creativity, instead of compliance, in educators. The article provides an overview of our work over the past few years. Given the nature of a news article, it does not include links to the actual research articles. For those who are interested they can be found below:

Danah’s work on creative teachers can be found in:

Carmen and my work on evaluating creative learning environments can be found in

Our work on evaluating creative products can be found in:

A few randomly selected blog posts…

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On rejection: A mini-rant about current academic scholarship

On rejection: A mini-rant about current academic scholarship

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MAET Words: 123 creators – 1 cool video

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Celebrating Euler’s birthday

Google has a new doodle out today (the 15th of April) to celebrate the 306th birth anniversary of Leonhard Euler, the Swiss mathematician and physicist. This prompted some reflection on his work (and some mathematical poetry)... At the bottom right of the doodle above...

Dancing with words, Good/Evil in a new ambigram context

Many years ago I constructed an ambigram for the words "good" and "evil." The idea came to me while waiting for a traffic light to turn green. The memory of it is so vivid in my mind that even today when I come to that particular intersection I remember that moment...

Join our amazing team

Join our amazing team

Over the past year the Office of Scholarship and Innovation at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, ASU has taken on a wide array of projects – everything from re-thinking how we support faculty research to reimagining what a computer labs can be; from building cool...

Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures

In honor of the movie "Hidden Figures" here is a new figure-ground ambigram. Enjoy.

TPACK moving in international circles

My friend, Martin Oliver, over at the London Knowledge Lab sent me the following link about a TPACK related publication that appeared in the International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology, aka IJEDUICT. (Boy, that's a...

Plagiarism, update II

Just heard back from Innovation Tools. They are changing the status of the articles by Dr. Jiles to "not visible" till, as they say, "the matter is settled." It is not clear to me what "settled" means. I doubt that David Jiles Ph.D. is emailing me (or anybody else)...


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