Over the past year the Office of Scholarship and Innovation at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, ASU has taken on a wide array of projects – everything from re-thinking how we support faculty research to reimagining what a computer labs can be; from building cool websites to support the college of education to developing partnerships with schools and districts to rethink education. You can find out more about all of these things by going to the OofSI (pronounced just as it is written) website.
I am lucky to have a dean who has a no-boundaries, cage-busting view of leadership and has provided us with the freedom and the structure to experiment and play. (You can read about her vision in a 3 part series here, here and here). Of course none of this would happen without the right group of individuals – the OofSI team.
This is just a long winded way of saying that we are hiring.
If you want to be part of this amazing team, who are truly at the forefront of educational change (at multiple levels), we are currently looking for one Multimedia Specialist and two Design Strategists. Follow the links to read the job descriptions.
So we are looking. We are looking for highly engaged, creative, energetic, passionate, individuals who can jump in and help the work we do (in partnership with schools and districts). A passion for improving education, a service orientated mindset, a willingness to take risks, a sense of comfort with ambiguity and an openness to collaboration and learning are key. A sense of humor is always a plus.
What typically does not make it into the job description is how important this work is. Maybe the most important work I have ever been part of. This is also the most fun job I have ever had and the potential for significant impact on the world of education is exciting. If you fit this profile or know someone who does, or just want to learn more, drop me a line at punya.mishra@asu.edu.