
by | Saturday, January 28, 2017


Just some visual wordplay that I have indulged in, just for the heck of it. Nothing really special, though I am partial to the “Explore, Create, Share” design. That was the motto of the MAET program at MSU that I directed for years. 



2 on Creativity


Explore Create Share

A few randomly selected blog posts…

What is this thing called text?

Steven Johnson has a great essay on the future of text title: The Glass Box And The Commonplace Book. I recommend reading the full thing but here is a quote that sort of captures his vision (though there is more, much more). Here is a great quote: WHEN TEXT IS free to...

Post-lunch session: Geetha Narayanan

Geetha Narayanan, Director Mallya Aditi International School and Srishti School of Art Design and Technology, is someone I have wanted to meet for a long time. One of the pleasures of of this conference is getting an opportunity to hear her speak ... and I was not...

Technology integration, looking forward to the past

Tom Johnson's Adventures in Pencil Integration is the smartest, sassiest blog I have come across in a long time. This is how the sidebar describes the blog/author. The year is 1897 and Tom Johnson works for a small school district. This is the story of the journey to...

SITE 2008, Google & Creativity

At SITE 2008 Mike DeSchryver and I presented a paper titled Pre-Service teachers and the web: Does access to the Web enhance creative thinking about teaching. Abstract: This study examined teacher creativity and its relationship with emerging technologies. Eight...

Bangalore symposium, now on YouTube

This past August I was in India for a Symposium on Education Technology in Schools: Converging for Innovation & Creativity. The meeting was organized by the Quest Alliance, USAID and International Youth Foundation and was "designed to bring together education and...

Tools “R” Us: When objects become you

Tools “R” Us: When objects become you

Danah Henriksen shared an article with me recently “When objects become extensions of you.” It is an interesting piece arguing that “Whether they are tools, toys, or mirror reflections, external objects temporarily become part of who we are all the time.” Essentially,...

Affective feedback from computers (Mishra, 2006)

Mishra, P. (2006). Affective Feedback from Computers and its Effect on Perceived Ability and Affect: A Test of the Computers as Social Actor Hypothesis. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. 15 (1), pp. 107-131. Abstract: We report an experimental study...

TPACK Handbook, Chapter 1

There have been many requests for the first chapter of the TPACK Handbook (recently published by AACTE & Routledge). Below is the summary and a link to the pre-publication version. Koehler, M.J., & Mishra, P. (2008). Introducing TPCK. AACTE Committee on...


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