KJZZ interview on STEAM education

by | Monday, January 23, 2017

I was interviewed recently by Mark Brodie of KJZZ.org for a story titled: STEM Vs. STEAM: Educators Urge Adding The Arts To Classrooms. You can listen to the interview on their page by clicking on the link above, or the MP3 below. My piece comes in at around the 3:14 (yay pi!!) mark but listen to the whole story.

Topics related to this post: Art | ASU | Biology | Creativity | Design | Engineering | Fun | Innovation | Learning | MLFTC | News | Philosophy | Science | Stories | Teaching

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1 Comment

  1. Sharon Henriksen

    Loved this interview–you said the arts should be integrated with science, technology, engineering, and math and from My previous teaching experience I totally agree with you. I taught second grade and some of my students best art came out of our math and science topics as well as other core curricular topics — integrations imbeds knowledge and it is great to see ASU bringing these ideas to their teacher preparation courses:)


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