Improv(e) Design by Punya Mishra
In this article, in our ongoing series on Rethinking technology & creativity in the 21st century, we interview Dr. Keith Sawyer, Morgan Distinguished Professor in Educational Innovations at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, and one of the most prominent scholars of creativity. In this interview, Dr. Sawyer speaks to the social and collaborative nature of creative work as a form of structured improvisation. Read the complete article below:
Henriksen, D., & Mishra, P., (2016). Between Structure and Improvisation: A Conversation on Creativity as a Social and Collaborative Behavior with Dr. Keith Sawyer. Tech Trends (61)1.
Note: As anyone who follows my blog knows that I love to play with visuals and typography. The “Improv(e)” visual at the top of the page was one I came up with while writing this blog post. Below the jump are a couple of ideas that didn’t make the cut – but I wanted to preserve none-the-less. In each of these the idea is to convey something about the ideas in the Sawer interview – specifically around structured improvisation. Enjoy.
This one is a bit of a visual puzzle but cool none the less. I think this may be my favorite of the three. I didn’t include it at the top because it was taking too much space.
A somewhat simplistic approach towards representing Improv and Structure. The design is too literal and just doesn’t hold together very well – but interesting enough for me to want to at least archive it on the blog.