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TPACK newsletter #31,

by | Friday, December 16, 2016

The latest version of the TPACK newsletter (#31) can be found here December 2016 (pdf). All previous issues are archived here. A shout-out to Judi Harris for all the work that goes into this. As I had said in a previous post, based on Judi’s numbers, the work on TPACK continues to grow. As per Judi, there are 665 articles, 199 book chapters, 23 books, 182 dissertations around TPACK.

* Image: TPACK ambigram created for a t-shirt

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Space Invaders in Paris

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Autonomy, mastery, purpose

This presentation of a talk by Daniel Pink has been making the rounds on the Interwebs. I am including it here just as a personal reminder for me to use in my teaching AND as an example of a wonderful presentation style. Check out RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising...

Mishra, Dirkin & Cavanaugh, 2007

I have been teaching summer course in our master's program for years now and for the most part have found them to be the most enriching teaching experiences I have had. These are intense 8 hours a day, 5 days a week programs that typically go on for a month. [We are...

Educational Technology @ MSU

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On rejection: A mini-rant about current academic scholarship

On rejection: A mini-rant about current academic scholarship

It started with a rejection. That's nothing new - we academics collect rejections like kids collect Pokemon cards (or whatever it is that they collect these days). But rejection, if it must come, must be for the right reasons. This particular rejection hit...

Reimagining a College of Education at AACTE 2018

Reimagining a College of Education at AACTE 2018

I was recently in Baltimore for the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), with a team from the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. We presented the work we are currently engaged in under the broad title...

Representing $$, two different ways

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Advancing Education in the AI Era: Video Update

Advancing Education in the AI Era: Video Update

I was recently in Washington, DC, for a panel discussion titled "Advancing Education in the AI Era: Promises, Pitfalls, and Policy Strategies" organized by the Center for AI Policy. The panel, moderated by Jason Green-Lowe of the CAIP, also included Michael Brickman,...

Representing the election

How does one best represent all the voting information that we now collect as a part of the electoral process? Here are a few websites that really stood out for me. Send me any more that you have and I can add them to the list. The first is a series of cartograms...


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