My college (The Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College) was one of the sponsors of the Arizona School Board Association Annual Conference. As a part of this, we got the privilege to introduce and have lunch with the keynote speaker. As it turns out the keynote speaker this year was David Pogue – and it fell to me to introduce him to the attendees. I have been a huge fan of his for a long time, and in fact still miss his presence at the New York Times, so I put in some effort to create something that would be fun (for both the people in the audience and for David as well). I, of course, created a new ambigram for the occasion… anyway you can see the short introductory video (that I edited to my recorded comments), the ambigram and a picture with the speaker himself with the ambigram! Enjoy.
The new ambigram and with the man himself

Hi Punya!
Your intro was fabulous! Of course, nothing less than I’d expect from you on the cleverness and creativity scales. So much info packed into one short speech – and about you as well as Mr. Pogue. Very cool that you got to introduce someone you’ve long admired. I do admit though, that I felt a definite snub when you showed the Michigan photo! ? Yes, yes, the canyon/mountains in the sunlight are gorgeous.? But so is historic Beaumont Tower in the snow! ?? (I hope you take this all in good fun as its intended!)
Anyway, sounds like you are happy with your new location. Hope that’s the case and all is well with you and maybe we will see you sometime soon.
Take care – Betsy