Danah Henriksen, Petra Fisser and I have a new article (complete reference and link below). This article emerged from a Thematic Working group on Creativity in a technology enhanced curriculum that the three of us led at EduSummIT 2015 (see more here). This article is part of a special issue of the Journal of Educational Technology and Society devoted to EdusummIT 2015. You can download the entire issue here or just our article below:
Henriksen, D., Mishra, P., & Fisser, P. (2016). Infusing Creativity and Technology in 21st Century Education: A Systemic View for Change. Educational Technology & Society, 19 (3), 27–37.
Abstract: In this article, we explore creativity alongside educational technology, as fundamental constructs of 21st century education. Creativity has becoming increasingly important, as one of the most important and noted skills for success in the 21st century. We offer a definition of creativity; and draw upon a systems model of creativity, to suggest creativity emerges and exists within a system, rather than only at the level of individual processes. We suggest that effective infusion of creativity and technology in education must be considered in a three-fold systemic manner: at the levels of teacher education, assessment and educational policy. We provide research and practical implications with broad recommendations across these three areas, to build discourse around infusion of creative thinking and technology in 21st century educational systems.
Illustration credit: Individual – Field – Domain and their interactions to determine Where is Creativity? (Illustration by Punya Mishra, based on Csikszentmihalyi, 1997)