EPET at SITE 2013

by | Saturday, March 23, 2013

SITE2013 (the annual conference of the Society of Information Technology in Teacher Education) is being held in New Orleans starting next week. The Educational Psychology and Educational Technology program at MSU has a significant presence at the conference. This includes presentations and symposia organized by faculty, graduate students and graduates of our program. Thanks to Josh Rosenberg, we now have a list of all the various events EPET people are involved in. Here it is, arranged chronologically:

Tuesday, March 26th

  • 10:15 – 12:30 (Bayside C): Symposium on Breaking Disciplinary Boundaries in 21st Century Learning: Creative Teaching with Digital Technologies: Part I & II. Punya Mishra, Chris Fahnoe, Danah Henriksen, Kristen Kereluik, Mike DeSchryver, Sean Leahy, Laura Terry, and Leigh Graves Wolf

  • 11:30 – 2:00 (Grand Ballroom B). Panel on Transitions to academia: Publishing in the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE). Among the panelists is Rick Ferdig of Kent State University (graduate of MSU)
  • 12:30 PM (Bayside A), TPACK SIG meeting (Best TPACK-Related research award to be received by Chris Fahnoe & Punya Mishra)

  • 1:30 – 3:45 pm (Bayside C): Symposium on Action-Oriented Research: News Paradigms for Research Innovation in Hybrid Graduate Education Environments, Aroutis Foster (graduate of EPET currently at Drexel)

  • 1:50 (Bayside A): Paper presentation: Is social annotation an effective tool for peer assessment. Fei Gao.

  • 2:10 pm (Bayside A): Paper presentation: Using social annotation tools to foster collaborative learning. Fei Gao.

  • 4:00 pm (Grand Ballroom E): Paper on Training Teachers for Classroom Technology Integration: Changing Times, Changing Needs. Angel Kymes, Susan Stansberry, and Penny Thompson (Penny is a graduate of EPET and currently at Oklahoma State).

Wednesday, March 27th

  • 8:45 am (After Keynote): SITE 2013 Outstanding Paper Award, Chris Fahnoe and Punya Mishra

  • 10:35 am (Grand Couteau): Paper presentation on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Development of Turkish Pre-service Teachers of English, Gokce Kurt, Punya Mishra and Zeynep Kocaglu

  • 12:10 pm (Oak Alley): Paper presentation, The Evolution of an Exceptional Online Educational Technology Course for Pre-Service Teachers. Chris Shaltry, Danah Henriksen, and Min Lun Wu

  • 1:30 pm (Salon 817): Paper presentation, Do 21st Century Learning Environments Support Self-Directed Learning? Middle School Students’ Response to an Intentionally Designed Learning Environment. Chris Fahnoe and Punya Mishra

  • 1:30 pm (Bayside C): Panel on development of future faculty: Building comprehensive digital media and learning programs with teachers. D. Matthew Boyer
  • 2:45 – 5:00 pm (Grand Ballroom A): Symposium, The Hitchhikers Guide to Hybrid and Online Doctoral Programs: Part I & II, Punya Mishra, Danah Henriksen, Matthew Koehler, Andrea Zellner, Robin Dickson, and Patrick Dickson

  • 6:00 pm: EPET Dinner at Red Fish Grill, All

Thursday, March 28th

  • 10:15 am (Southdown): Paper presentation, Empowering teachers toward efficacious adoption of game-based learning, Mamta Shah, Aroutis Foster, and Sagit Betser

  • 11:30 am (Nottoway): Paper presentation, Using Authentic Tasks to Support Technology Integration, Kathryn Dirkin (Katyryn is a graduate of EPET and is currently a faculty member at Central Michigan)

  • 11:30 am (Grand Ballroom C): Paper presentation, Creating a RISK FREE Environment for Preservice Teachers Learning to Teach with Technology, Penny Thompson

  • 2:45 pm (Bayside B). Paper presentation, K-12 online and blended teacher certifications: Striking a balance between policy and proficiency. Kristen DeBruler, Joe Freidhoff
  • 5:15 pm (Southdown): Paper presentation, Review of Mobile Device Use Policies in Public High Schools, Joshua Rosenberg

  • 5:35 pm (Grand Ballroom E): Paper presentation, Enhancing Interactive Communication in an Asynchronous Online Class, Kari Richards and Min Lun Wu

Friday, March 29th

  • 11:30 am (Bayside B): Paper presentation, Shared video media: A new environment to support peer feedback in second language learning. Fei Gao
  • 12:10 pm (Grand Couteau): Paper presentation, Pedagogy and Situational Creativity in Synchronous Hybrid Learning: Descriptions of Three Models, William Cain and Danah Henriksen

  • 1:30 pm (Salon 817): Paper presentation, Learning Using Smartphones: Analyzing What Current Learners Think and Do. Sandra Sawaya

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