My friend Teresa Foulger at Arizona State University informed me about the fact that the journal LEARNing Landscapes has a special issue on creativity. I had not heard of the journal before and I was pleasantly surprised by the articles in this special issue. LEARNing Landscapes is:
… an open access, peer-reviewed, online education journal supported by LEARN (Leading English Education and Resource Network). Published in the autumn and spring of each year, it attempts to make links between theory and practice and is built upon the principles of partnership, collaboration, inclusion, and attention to multiple perspectives and voices. The material in each publication attempts to share and showcase leading educational ideas, research, and practices in Quebec, and beyond, by welcoming articles, interviews, visual representations, arts-informed work, and multimedia texts to inspire teachers, administrators, and other educators to reflect upon and develop innovative possibilities within their own practices.
The Autumn 2012 (vol 6, N0. 1) issue is devoted to Creativity: Insights, Directions and Possibilities and is well worth a read. There is an interesting essay by Csziksentmihaly an interview with Howard Gardner and much more. The Csziksentmihaly is a must read for all of us interested in educational technology and media. He makes an interesting case for how continual stimulation may actually harm creativity in the long run. You read and decide…
You can access a PDF version of the journal here, an interactive version here.