Creativity Now!: Learning from Creative Teachers

by | Saturday, February 02, 2013

Educational Leadership is the flagship publication of ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development). It has a circulation of over 160,000 and is regarded as “an authoritative source of information about teaching and learning, new ideas and practices relevant to practicing educators, and the latest trends and issues affecting prekindergarten through higher education.”

Their February 2013 issue is titled “Creativity Now!” and has a series of articles from some of the top scholars and researchers in the area of creativity and education, including Robert & Michele Root-Bernstein, Ronald A. Beghetto and James C. Kaufman, Yong Zhao and Alene Starko (among others). More selfishly, the online version of the journal has an article by Danah Henriksen and yours truly.

This article builds on Danah’s dissertation research and it titled, Learning from creative teachers. A full reference and links to the web-version as well as pdf’s can be found below. 

Henriksen, D., & Mishra, P. (2013). Learning from creative teachers. Educational Leadership. 70(5). Retrieved from

Download a PDF:  Version 1  | Version 2 

Topics related to this post: Creativity | Psychology | Publications | Research | Teaching | Worth Reading

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1 Comment

  1. Yung Un Hong

    My name is Yung Un Hong living in R. of Korea,
    City of Daejeon as Ph.D. Student in Art Education.
    I have been interested reading your paper on “Learning from Creative Teachers”

    I am writing this letter to have your understanding and your permission to share the article with KOFAC(Korean Foundation for Advancement of Science and Creativity- in “this month’s news” of your work so that many teachers, parents and policy makers understand importance of creativity is coming from well trained creative teachers.

    When I introduce the article, I include direct referral to your web site, link to the article. It will be part in Korean (my translation) and my comment implementation why I introduce.

    Please let me know if I any problem with sharing online and it is soley for the educational use, not any commercial use.

    Thank you so much for your time and please let me know if you have any question.


    YungUn Hong


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