Back in November 2010, I had been invited by the Bloomfield Hills School District to speak to their administrators and leadership about issues related to social media and what it means for schools and districts. You can find out more about this session here. As I said in my previous note, I built on a previous presenter, social media guru Shel Holtz, and led a series of brainstorming activities with the participants about specific things they could do (short- and long-term) to meet some of the challenges being put up by these new media. I think the sessions went well.
I found out yesterday, through the magic of Google Alerts, the Bloomfield Hills AV team has released a video of that afternoon’s events. Here it is. I think they did a pretty good job of capturing, in around 30 minutes, all that occurred over a couple of hours that day. Sadly Vimeo does not let me embed the video so I am just providing a link to it here. Enjoy.