Ganapati Festival Photographs, 2011

by | Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The Hindu god Ganesh (the elephant-headed one) is celebrated across India, and the world, around this time of the year. The Hindu community in Lansing is no exception. A couple of days ago I was asked to take pictures of a music program at the local temple.

It was a great evening full of friends, food and devotional music. I am not a very religious person but there is something about devotional music (irrespective of which religion it may be) that always touches a chord with me.

Anyway, here are the pictures I took the other day. I particularly loved capturing the moon over the temple. Enjoy.


Ganapati Festival BTL 2011, a set on Flickr.


Topics related to this post: Art | Fun | Identity | India | Personal | Photography | Religion | Worth Reading

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1 Comment

  1. Milen Petrov

    Nice pictures!I recommend it!


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