TPACK @ PLP: cool webinars, great resource

by | Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Leigh Wolf pointed me to an fantastic resource for teachers and educators interested in learning more about TPACK. These are a series of online interactive webinars titled TPACK Fridays and are organized by the Powerful Learning Practice ( What is great about this series of webinars is that they are presented, not by academics like me, but rather by teachers and educators who are at the forefront of innovative pedagogy and technology integration. These events are called TPACK Fridays and are “a series of action packed sessions that unpack secondary and elementary lesson plans that use TPACK strategies.” These sessions typically take place on Fridays through Elluminate, and best of all are archived online for all to see.

There have been six sessions now, all of which are available for viewing. The next one is scheduled for the 28th of January – you can visit the site or follow on twitter (#plptpack).

Incidentally, if you don’t know about the PLP Network, I recommend clicking on the link (whether or not TPACK is your cup of tea). Founded by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and WIll Richardson the PLP Network (quoting from the website):

… offers a unique opportunity for educators to participate in a long-term, job-embedded professional development program that immerses them in 21st Century learning environments. The PLP model is currently enabling thousands of educators around the country to experience the transformative potential of the social Web to build global learning communities and re-envision their own personal learning practice.

What is not to like!

Topics related to this post: Creativity | Learning | Online Learning | Teaching | Technology | TPACK | Worth Reading

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  1. Punya Mishra

    Sheryl, thank you for the invitation. I would have loved to be part of the discussion. The only problem is that I will be in India at that time… Maybe some other time.

  2. Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach

    I would love it if you would come as a guest for our final TPACK Friday. I am a huge fan of your work and have integrated it into a deep learning model of curriculum development that I use with the cohorts that we take through Powerful Learning Practice. WE could do our final show for the year with you. Talking about the model and your work.

    Are you willing? It would be Friday, Feb 11 at 5pm EST. We meet in Elluminate. Let me know if you would like to chat further. And thanks for the post.


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