TPACK & Games @ Drexel

by | Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I am headed to Drexel University to give a talk at the Drexel Learning Games Network seminar series. The DLGN is the brainchild of  Aroutis Foster, former graduate student, now rising star academic and researcher. As the DLGN website says

The Drexel Learning Games Network is made up of faculty and staff at Drexel University interested in game-based learning initiatives. It was established in the School of Education in Goodwin College with the goal of supporting teaching, researching, and designing of games for learning from K- to infinity.

The seminar series (titled: Digital Games: Teaching, Learning and Assessment Seminar Series) is a set of four lectures by invited faculty. Others who are speaking through the series (that started back in November 2010 and will continue till May of this year) include such luminaries such as Chris Dede,Harvard University; David Williamson Shaffer, University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Eric Klopfer, MIT. What am amazing group of people to be associated with!

I am not primarily a games and learning scholar, though I have done some work in this area, usually collaboratively with people like Carrie Heeter, Brian Winn over in the college of communication arts and sciences, Ron Rosenberg in engineering, and of course, with Aroutis Foster. In this talk, I am hoping to make some connections between my TPACK work and the idea of learning from games. Let us see…

I have been told that the session will be recorded and made available on the web. I will of course post it here, when I get a chance.

Topics related to this post: Games | Learning | Research | Teaching | Technology | TPACK | Worth Reading

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  1. Learning Games & TPACK @ Drexel: Video now online | Punya Mishra's Web - [...] Teaching, Technology, TPACK, Travel, Video | No Comments » Other related posts and pages: |TPACK & Games @ Drexel…
  2. Tweets that mention TPACK & Games @ Drexel | Punya Mishra's Web -- - [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by punya, College of Education. College of Education said: Game-based learning w/ an…

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