A few weeks ago I had posted about the hybrid Ph.D. program that we recently announced. There has been terrific interest in this program (but we are still looking for more people – so keep the emails and questions coming).
As we were reviewing the various emails we are receiving, it struck me that we (here at MSU) have not really done a good job of capturing all the different options we offer to practicing educators (teachers and administrators in K-12, community college and higher education settings).
The goal in each of these programs is to work collaboratively with practitioners to creatively integrate technology in their practice. Built around the TPACK framework these programs run the gamut from a 10 credit certificate in Ed Tech, to a 30 credit master’s degree, from an Edupunk orientated refresher that can be taken for credit or no-credit (for those who already have a master’s), to two versions of a doctoral program (on-campus and the new substantially online hybrid program).
This led to our designing a graphic that attempts to capture all of our different initiatives. (Thanks also to Leigh Wolf and Robin Dickson for their input. Any errors are of course mine, and mine alone.) The blue arrows indicate “points of entry” i.e. spots that you can enter the program.
These “blocks” build on each other but there is no obligation to do the whole thing. Each block is self-contained i.e. there are multiple “off-ramps” from the program. Also, classes are customized to the needs and requirements of practitioners and can be taken in a variety of formats: online, face to face (on campus, off campus and abroad) as well as hybrid combinations thereof. For instance, we have students who have taken some certificate courses over weekends, at sites near their schools, followed that with some coursework on campus and online (over summer and regular semester) and received their master’s by completing their courses with one final summer, abroad.
The Ed Tech Certificate program is the three-course package that can be taken over weekends at a convenient location (usually at a school near you, if you live in Michigan), fully online, and abroad (a month over summer in Rouen in France).
If you complete the certificate, you are almost halfway to receiving the the state of Michigan’s NP Endorsement. If you are not from Michigan we have developed reciprocal relationships with other states and organizations to match their local endorsements or certifications.
Of course, once you have the endorsement you are just three courses away from a Master’s degree, the Master of Arts in Educational Technology. All of these courses (Certificate, NP Endorsement & the Master’s program) can be taken fully online or through hybrid models (on campus or abroad in summer with additional courses online).
Suppose you already have a Master’s degree (and are not interested in a Ph.D. at this time) you could sign up for our first offering of the Edupunk refresher course (taking place at Rouen, France, this summer). The 2010 MAET refresher course will help recharge your technology toolbox with a plethora of tips and tricks, from instructional tools, web presence, mobile devices, audio, video, social networking, collaboration and personal productivity –we will cover it all. This can be taken for credit (3 graduate credits) or no-credit. Leigh Wolf has more details here.
And finally, if you still aren’t satisfied… you can also work towards a Ph.D in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology! Designed for bright, established professionals currently serving in K-12 schools, community colleges, universities, policy centers, and research institutions, the goal of the Ph.D. program in Educational Psychology & Educational Technology is to prepare the next generation of educational leaders with the requisite skills to direct learning as it forges forth at the intersection of the growing world of digital media, online learning environments and traditional face-to-face practice. You can complete the Ph.D. program either on-campus in East Lansing (with graduate assistantship or fellowship support) or, (and this is the most exciting) keep your day-job, and complete the program over summers, with courses taken online, in a new cohort-based hybrid option. You can read my initial abut this here.
If you are interested in any or all of the following drop me a note (at punya@msu.edu) and/or check out the following websites:
- For MAET, certificate, Master’s and Refresher courses http://edutech.msu.edu
- For the Ph.D. http://edtechphd.com
I’m afraid I’m not able to see your graphic… not sure if it’s just me having trouble viewing it. Anyhow, I’m considering applying for the new hybrid PhD program. Any chance there’s an online link to a course catalog? I see the list of courses but would love to see a description of the classes if available.