TPACK moving in international circles

by | Sunday, November 01, 2009

My friend, Martin Oliver, over at the London Knowledge Lab sent me the following link about a TPACK related publication that appeared in the International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology, aka IJEDUICT. (Boy, that’s a long name for a journal, and I dare you to pronounce the acronym.) As it turns out, I was not acquainted with this journal. A quick browse showed that it had a strong international authorship and readership. Sadly most of my publications (with a few exceptions) have been in US journals, and doubly sadly, most authors published in US journals are from US universities. This is so parochial and a pity because there is a lot that we can all learn from each other, especially in a field like Ed Tech.

Any a bit of TPACK-searching on the journal website led to three separate mentions (technically there are two since one of the mentions was in an editorial describing an article in that very issue that utilized the TPACK framework). Anyway, for the record here are the citations (and links).

Carr, T., Czerniewicz, L. (2009). e/merge in Africa. International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology. 5(5).

Mostert, M., & Quinn, L. (2009). Using ICTs in Teaching and Learning: Reflections on Professional Development of Academic Staff. International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology. 5(5)

Samuel, R. J., & Bakar, Z. A. (2008). The effectiveness of ‘VELT’ in promoting English language communication skills: A Case Study in Malaysia. International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology. 4(3).

Topics related to this post: Learning | News | Publications | Research | Teaching | Technology | TPACK | Worth Reading

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1 Comment

  1. Bob Reuter

    Hi Punya,

    We’ve had an informal eLearning gathering last friday in Luxembourg/Europe, with some people from universities in our region (around Luxembourg) – – where we presented our current use of and developments in educational technologies… and I did very briefly mention the TPACK model and, to my great surprise, nobody seemed to know it… So I thought it would be a good idea to “spread the news”, since I find your model very inspiring.


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