Summer Institute for Superintendents, presentation

by | Thursday, July 09, 2009

I was recently invited to present at the 2009 Summer Institute for Superintendents at the beautiful  Crystal Mountain Conference Center in Thompsonville, Michigan.

The yearly institute, which began in 1999, is co-sponsored by the MSU College of Education and the University of Michigan’s School of Education. It provides superintendents with the highest quality professional development to meet today’s educational challenges by providing opportunities for superintendents to experience diverse perspectives on issues and develop leadership and problem solving strategies. Small group discussions and interactive sessions allow participants to interact with presenters, reflect and share ideas on best practice and educational issues.

Sadly, given my summer teaching schedule, I did not have any time to enjoy the resort. It was fun, though, to meet up with some old friends and to make some new ones.

A pdf of my slides (sorry no audio narrative available at this point) can be  found here.

Topics related to this post: Conference | Learning | Teaching | Technology | TPACK

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1 Comment

  1. Matt Townsley

    Wow. Looks like an interesting talk. The slides you posted weren’t obviously designed to tell the whole story (I do appreciate your style of zen presentation), so you’ve sparked my interest to learn more! Your point about users redefining technologies is not one I had thought much about previously. Have you blogged about this previously? If not, here’s some inspiration to do so! (and post audio if/when your presentation is make available)


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