Create… Emergence!

by | Sunday, April 19, 2009

I ended the mashup TPACK commercial with the following words, Explore, Create, Share!

Over the past couple of weeks my kids and I have been working on a series of short videos around these three words. The first one we made was around the idea of “Explore,” titled To see .. or not to see.

We created the second one, around the idea “create” this afternoon. Soham suggested calling it Emergence (the title of a Radio Lab podcast we had been listening to a few days ago).

[youtube width=”425″ height=”355″][/youtube]

Original music for this series was created by my cousin, Sonny Mishra.

You may notice a certain level of self-plagiarism going on here. We had created a similar video as a new year’s card (see it here). But the idea worked so beautifully for the theme… it would be a shame not to use it. Imitation as they say, is the sincerest form of self-flattery 🙂

(Other videos created by me, with our without my kids, can be seen here.)


Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Good | Bad Design | Puzzles | Representation | Teaching | Technology | Video

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  1. Web Builder

    Love the video, this is the kind of simple but effective project that can inspire youngsters. Keep up the good work Punya.

  2. Cherice

    Cute! I love the “punchline” for the “To see or not to see.”

    “Create” reminds me of this commercial, which I thought was intriguing because of the premise and the many different ways it employs principles of graphic design (alignment, repetition, etc.):


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