MSU Technology Showcase: The Usual Suspects

by | Friday, February 20, 2009

I have been invited by Patrick Dickson, Byron Brown and Jon Sticklen to offer a lowkeynote address (note emphasis on lowkey!) for MSU’s Second Annual Faculty Technology Showcase (more details here).

I have created a small presentation to go with my lowkeynote, slides available here.

I also created a graphic “capturing” the three people who organized this, based on the movie The Usual Suspects. I thought this may be useful to record for historical purposes, so here it is below.

Leigh Wolf took some pictures of the show (link in the comment section or here). Some ego shots (thanks to Steve Yelon & Leigh Wolf) below:

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Science teachers and social justice

Science teachers and social justice

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Facebook Username

I now have a facebook username! Hah! Check out

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