A YouTube video of Soham solving the rubic cube blindfolded!
[youtube width=”425″ height=”355″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymi-iG8uhR4[/youtube]
[Thanks for Michael Gondry for the idea.]
A YouTube video of Soham solving the rubic cube blindfolded!
[youtube width=”425″ height=”355″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymi-iG8uhR4[/youtube]
[Thanks for Michael Gondry for the idea.]
A few randomly selected blog posts…
Matt Koehler and I led a session on Technology Integration in Higher Education: Challenges & Opportunities for a day-long symposium titled: Colloquium on the Changing Professoriate. This is how our session was described in the program book/website: Technology has...
Note: The image above was generated by Adobe Firefly and edited using Photoshop beta. Teaching is a profession steeped in complexity. This complexity manifests in various ways: the diverse skill sets, interests, and backgrounds students bring to the table; the...
Nashworld pointed me towards PicLits a website that he describes as being "part visual literacy, part refrigerator poetry, part… fun." Check out his posting or visit PicLits.
Matt Townsley sent me an email this morning informing me about a TPACK sighting in THE journal. Well... actually it's a journal whose title is THE journal! Does that make sense? Anyway, T.H.E. Journal (Transforming Education Through Technology) has an article by Dian...
Update (added March 17, 2024): There are a few more instances of using GenAI in creative ways that I would like to add to the list below, in particular 2 posts about using the the image analysis capabilities for ChatGPT: When AI can see and Total eclipse of the sun...
Mishra & Yadav (2006) was a paper based around my dissertation research. It took a while to get published and I am including it here for the record. My dissertation (Mishra, 1998) was maybe the first place where I made a specific mention of the triad of...
A few years ago I got bitten by the bug of Palindromic Poetry - poems that double back on themselves, that can be read this way, or that. This is consistent with my love for ambigrams and other kinds of symmetrical wordplay. Take a look...
Three different news-stories/articles came to my notice today all connected by the infamous brood parasite the cuckoo. The first is a part of Olivia Judson's blog (on the NYTimes) on biology and life (read Cuckoo! Cuckoo! here), the second is is about how scientists...
I wish I had a Googleganger (also known as a Google twin), but with a name like mine, I doubt that is going to happen anytime soon.