Matt Koehler and I just completed a talk on TPACK and online learning for the Faculty Seminars in Instructional Technology. The Faculty Seminars are a semi-annual two-day series of short courses for faculty who want to learn about using technology in instruction. There are usually about 25 short courses that cover things like how to use the components of Microsoft Office, a variety of ANGEL courses, creating podcasts, using Camtasia, Dreamweaver, etc., and web site design. The faculty who sign up (about 500 enrollments last time through) are invited to a “free” lunch during which we offer a presentation on some aspect of using technology in instruction.
Since there is no such thing as a free lunch, the participants got to hear us expound our ideas. We did something different this time, with both Matt and I presenting. Typically one of us gets to speak and the other takes questions but in this instance, Matt went first and I followed and we tried to get Byron Brown (the guy who had invited us to this session) to answer questions. Not much luck with that 🙂
A pdf of the presentation can be found here.