Hurting but happy!

by | Sunday, September 28, 2008

This morning I participated in (and completed) the Capital City River Run Half Marathon. The emphasis is of course on “completed” – I wasn’t into breaking any records here. I got a pace of 10:15 per-mile (which was approximately what I had last year as well). The Capital City river run has become an annual tradition for me (this is my fifth year doing this, though it used to be a 10 mile run for the first three years). The route is scenic (through the Lansing Zoo, the River trail and Hawk Island Park and some pretty Lansing neighborhoods) and today was a particularly nice day for a run – cool and cloudy.

As to how I feel now, the subject line captures my current feelings quite accurately 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. leigh




  1. How to complete a half-marathon | Punya Mishra's Web - [...] | Categories: Fun, Personal, Worth Reading | No Comments » Other related posts and pages: |Hurting but happy! |…

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