Wordle, McCain v.s. Obama

by | Tuesday, September 09, 2008

As I was playing with Wordle (see previous postings here and here) I realized that it could be used for political analysis. So here are John McCain and Barack Obama’s acceptance speeches as a word-map.

Can you without, my telling you so, figure out which is which?

A clue is the word that ends up at number 1. It is “Country” in one case, and “Promise” in the other. A careful study reveals many other such insights… try it out yourself.

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Politics | Representation

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  1. Geld Schnell

    Obama has probably been the best thing that could happen to the US. In Germany, we love this guy 🙂

  2. Irfan

    wordle sounds good! have u worked on kindle?

  3. Ken Dirkin

    I would suppose from the words McCain in one and Obama in the other, that the candidates are addressing the other directly, so it appears that Obama spends much more time talking about McCain then McCain spends talking about Obama. Very interesting.


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