Word cloud

by | Monday, September 08, 2008

Tag or word clouds are visual visual depiction of user-generated tags or words on a website. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. Fonts, color, layouts can also be used to convey information. Now Kara Sevensma introduced me to Wordle – a tool that lets you create very cool looking word clouds (with a range of variables you can customize). So I just had to try it out…

Here are two different word clouds created by words that show up in my current RSS feed. You can click on the smaller images to see larger versions of the word clouds. These are both created using the same words but differ in the the options that one can choose in Wordle.

Of course you need not use these text from web pages, you could type any words, poems, lists etc. that you like.

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Good | Bad Design | Personal | Representation | Technology

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... for Mumbai, for India, and for the world!

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