Feeling ignored by Warner Bros.

by | Monday, August 25, 2008

Amol just sent me this BBC story titled: Warner ‘sues over Puttar movie.’ That makes me so angry! How come Warner Bros is not suing me…

As the BBC story says

Harry Potter maker Warner Bros is suing an Indian film company over the title of upcoming film Hari Puttar – A Comedy Of Terrors, … It tells the story of a 10-year-old boy who moves to England with his parents and becomes embroiled in a battle over a secret microchip.

Well Amol and I made this short film a couple of years ago titled Hari Puttar aur Jadoo ki Chadi (Hari Puttar and the Magic Wand) and have not received anything from the lawyers of Warner Bros. Our movie was a even more direct lift-off from the original Harry Potter series than this new movie seems to be.

I feel so ignored and hurt.

Topics related to this post: Film | Fun | India | News | Personal

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