@ Purdue

by | Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sending this note from Purdue University where I am visiting the School of Engineering Education. Had a great dinner last night with Karl Smith (whom I am catching up with after a couple of years) and Johannes Strobel. Karl picked me up this morning and drove me over to the Engineering Education department. I have already had a couple of fun meetings/conversations with, with Matt Ohland and Sean Brophy. We discussed everything from engineering education to TPACK, from using Facebook for pedagogy to the manner in which technologies need to re-purposed (and re-created) if they are to become worthwhile pedagogical tools. All cool stuff…

I have a few minutes now to work on my presentation, coming up later this afternoon. The pressure mounts …

Topics related to this post: Creativity | Design | Engineering | Personal | Teaching | Technology | TPACK

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Beware of science envy in designing learning

Beware of science envy in designing learning

Mike Crowley has a guest post on the silverlingingforlearning.org site titled: If we need to be right before we move. (If you haven’t read it, I recommend it strongly. Go ahead follow the link above. I’ll be waiting). [Pause] Welcome back. I think Mike makes some...

Center for American Progress Webinar: AI in Education

Center for American Progress Webinar: AI in Education

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Flip/Flop: Goodbye 2022 – Welcome 2023

Flip/Flop: Goodbye 2022 – Welcome 2023

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New edited series on Research to Practice

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Ed Psych in a digitally networked world

Figure/Ground ambigram for Educational Psychology by Punya Mishra It has been a while coming, but finally the 3rd Edition of the Handbook of Educational Psychology is finally here. We have a chapter in it about the manner in which digital and networking technologies...

The value of research

A few years ago I was asked to talk to some major donors of the College as a part of the kick-off of the MSU Capital Campaign. The text below is what I had written out prior to giving the talk. It is not an exact transcript of what I actually said, since I...

Happy Hanukkah: New Ambigram

Happy Hanukkah: New Ambigram

In keeping with the holiday theme (see Christmas ambigram below) it seemed appropriate to create a design for Hanukkah. That task actually turned out easier than I had expected - with some natural symmetries that I could take advantage of. The "U" at the...

New media, new genres

There is an interesting article in today's NYTimes titled Content and its discontents by Virginia Heffernan. In this article she makes the argument the new digital, online media require new ways of representing information, new ways of thinking about how ideas are...


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