Undo this

by | Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wouldn’t it be great if life came with an undo key-stroke-combination? Just a thought I threw out today during a meeting which led to a discussion of how this could be a great movie idea. Seems intriguing…

Topics related to this post: Creativity | Fun | Personal

A few randomly selected blog posts…

It’s only a game…

... but what if real people die? Excellent article by William Saletan on Slate about a new breed of war-toys that blur the line between video games and real war. As the article says, "if looks and feels like a video game. But it kills real people." As it turns out,...

Correlates of creativity

Just came across this on the Ph.D. design list (a listserv for discussion of PhD studies and related research in Design) from a posting by Charles Burnette. He quotes Donald MacKinnon, author of a large study on creativity in the arts, sciences and professions: If I...

Math-Music, serious game design

My 8 year old daughter, Shreya, came to me the other day and said that she had designed a learning game. I asked her to draw it out for me and here is what she had created. The game is called Math Music and I guess, it builds on the Guitar Hero idea, but adds...

Tech Trends, Special Issue on TPACK

TechTrends is a leading journal for professionals in the educational communication and technology field and is the official publication of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). The current issue has 5 articles devoted to the TPACK...

Creativity @ Plymouth, year 3

I spent some time last week with each of the MAET cohorts at Plymouth England. I have blogged about my time with Year 1 here and Year 2 here (as well as some other posts here and here). This is about what I did with the Year 3 cohort. As usual, I did my TPACK and...

TPACK @ AERA, 2009

I did not go to AERA this year - choosing instead to go to Chicago to Keynote the Engaging Minds: Pedagogy and Personalism, the 2009 DePaul Faculty Teaching and Learning Conference. We did have a paper to be presented there (and I am sure our Iowa State friends must...

What Arizona’s New AI School Gets Wrong (Hint: Everything)

What Arizona’s New AI School Gets Wrong (Hint: Everything)

Two pieces of news caught my attention this week. The first was the passing of Lee Shulman, a giant in educational research, whose profound understanding of teaching and learning shaped generations of educators - including myself. The second was the approval of a new...

Exciting!! Edupunk refresher, hybrid PhD & more…

A few weeks ago I had posted about the hybrid Ph.D. program that we recently announced. There has been terrific interest in this program (but we are still looking for more people - so keep the emails and questions coming). As we were reviewing the various emails we...



  1. Undo & the the progress of technology – Punya Mishra's Web - […] have wondered what it would be like if life had an undo button, and what we would do without…

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