India Week @ Erickson Hall

by | Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Indian community in the greater Lansing area celebrates India Week every year (more or less) around March. [More details here and here.] As a part of this event I (and other members of the College of Education) have been organizing an Indian themed breakfast and some kind of an educational talk or event. These sessions have been a great hit in the past.

This year’s breakfast and education panel will be on the 14th of March (Friday) from 9 to 11 AM in the 1st floor, graduate student lounge, Erickson Hall. Download informational poster about the event here.

We have a great menu, designed as usual by Smita and cooked fresh and delivered by a group of volunteers (many of whom have no MSU affiliation). The menu includes: Idli+chutney, Dhokla, Rava Upma, Vermicelli Upma, Vada, Fruits, cookies+biscuits+toasts, Chai, coffee and miscellaneous Indian snacks.

Concurrent with the breakfast will be a series of informal presentations on Indian education. Presenters, affiliations and topics are:

Amita Chudgar, Assistant Professor, Educational Administration & CEPSE
Gender and education in South Asia with a specific focus on India

Katie Stolz, Doctoral Candidate, HALE program
College Students with Physical Disabilities in India

Kunwar Rajendra, Adjunct Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Chair MSU India Council
Education program for tribal children in India

Mohan Kumar, Associate Professor, Pathobiology & Diagnostic Investigation
Study abroad program in India: One story

Banhi Bhattacharya, Doctoral Candidate Curriculum, Teaching, & Educational Policy
Teaching and Learning: An Indian perspective

Sandra R. Hansen, Internship and Study Abroad Director at Nirman
Summer Courses, Internships and Study Abroad Programs at Nirman in Varanasi, India

This breakfast event would not be possible without the hard work of many people. These include Jack Schwille, Cheryl Bartz, Smita Sawai, and Banhi Bhattacharya, to name a few. In particular I would like to draw attention to the people who cook and deliver the food for the breakfast. This is a completely volunteer effort and their debt cannot be easily repaid. They are: Sushmita Singichetti, Anu Deshpande, Jisha Stanley, Veena Mandrekar, Manasi Upadhye, Sheba Mohankumar and Shilpa Kundeshwar. Thank you.

To find out more about India week please visit the Asian Studies Center events page, or download the entire series of events by going here [PDF document].

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1 Comment

  1. Sanjana

    Well written article. It will be great if you can publish your articles in SiliconIndia also as I am a member of Siliconindia, I am sure that most of the members will like reading it.


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