And the winner is…

by | Monday, February 25, 2008

The Oscars got one thing right tonight: Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova for the song, Falling Slowly from the movie Once. I saw this movie a couple of weeks ago, during my trip to New Orleans, and loved every moment of it. I heard that they had been nominated for best song (or whatever the technical term was for the category) and I was rooting for them… and checking the CNN website a few minutes ago discovered that they had won!

Here are some YouTube clips to remember the moment.

Watch them perform at the Oscars, once, Falling Slowly from Once:

… and then once again, in the movie Once:

… and then once again from the movie:

… and finally, the the Oscar acceptance speech, once, and then … as it turns out once again!

Topics related to this post: Creativity | Film | Video

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