I just finished reading Transplanted Man by Sanjay Nigam. A strange but entirely fascinating and satisfying novel with quirky and interesting characters. Nigam is quite willing to tackle difficult and “big” questions but does it with a light touch. I had read his first novel, The Snake Charmer, a few years ago and though the details are hazy in my mind, I remember finding it different and very well written. Finishing Transplanted Man makes me want to go back and read The Snake Charmer once again. Nigam is a doctor and professor of Pediatrics / Medicine / Cellular & Molecular Medicine at UCSD, and some of his background and expertise shows up in this book. Here is a link to an interview with him, and his UCSD web page.
Designing learning futures through reflective practice: 1 of 2
This is the first of two posts on the topic of bringing principled innovation practices to designing learning futures. The first post (co-authored by Punya Mishra & Cristy Guleserian) focuses on the need for designing learning futures, and how the PI practices...