I just finished reading Transplanted Man by Sanjay Nigam. A strange but entirely fascinating and satisfying novel with quirky and interesting characters. Nigam is quite willing to tackle difficult and “big” questions but does it with a light touch. I had read his first novel, The Snake Charmer, a few years ago and though the details are hazy in my mind, I remember finding it different and very well written. Finishing Transplanted Man makes me want to go back and read The Snake Charmer once again. Nigam is a doctor and professor of Pediatrics / Medicine / Cellular & Molecular Medicine at UCSD, and some of his background and expertise shows up in this book. Here is a link to an interview with him, and his UCSD web page.
That synching feeling
David Pogue has an article about SugarSync, an automated Internet backup and synchronization service that can keep track of (and backup) files across multiple machines. The description sounds wonderful - a great example of cloud computing. If only it were a bit...