
by | Tuesday, January 01, 2008

…to my new website. It has taken a while, but it is finally here. Of course, as in all things web, this is still a work in progress, but it is getting there. I will be phasing out my old site gradually.

The most significant change has been a shift from static HTML pages into a site driven by WordPress. My old site was getting difficult to manage and keep up-to-date. I hope it will be easier this way. An important addition that WordPress provides me, of course, is this blog. I hope I can be consistent in writing to it. Let us see.

In the meanwhile I hope you will take a moment to click around and enjoy all the new (and hopefully good) stuff that is here.

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A few randomly selected blog posts…

Obama at MSU

Soham and Shreya make it to the Lansing State Journal's website photo gallery... Smita and I pulled the kids out of school today to go see Obama at Michigan State. Leigh Wolf joined us... and frankly it was a long and tiring day: reaching campus at 9:30, standing in...

Speaking of leadership

Matt and I were invited to Sydney, Australia a year ago as a part of the Teaching Teachers for the Future (TTF) project. You can see a report in the New Educator: TPACK takes hold in Australia. As a part of this visit we were interviewed to speak a bit about...

Clement Mok on design

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My favorite Internet meme (and how it almost died)

I have been tracking the Hitler-Downfall parodies for over two years now and it seems that they keep getting better and better. But over the last few days comes the news that Constantin films, which owns the rights to the original movie asked YouTube to find and take...

Election 2.0

An op-ed in today's NYTimes by William Poundstone about how the web can be used during an election to prevent election fraud. As the article describes a computer scientist and a mathematician "have proposed an ingenious method that would combine paper ballots and a...

On merging with our technologies (Unpacking McLuhan 4/3)

On merging with our technologies (Unpacking McLuhan 4/3)

This is the fourth of what was supposed to be a three post-series about how media influence our thinking. The first post, uses the invention of writing and print to unpack the meaning of McLuhan’s statement, “The medium is the message.” The second post, focuses on a...

Chimp number sense…

A video, brought to you by Slate, titled "How smart are chimps?" I apologize in advance for the commercial at the beginning of the video.

Deconstructing TV news

The video below has been getting a lot of attention on the blogs lately, and despite that it is pretty good. No kittens riding skateboards or mentos and Coke here. Just a beautifully constructed take down of TV News. A must see for all media literacy courses. Check it...

The Theater of Creativity

The Theater of Creativity

Dr. Tatiana Chemi is assistant professor and researcher at Aalborg University, Denmark. She has a background in theater that gives her an unique perspective on creativity, the creative processes and the contexts that allow creativity to flower. In her research she...


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